
Meeting point for gasoline talk

A place where petrolheads get wet eyes and dry mouths, a place where talking about cars goes into the veins — we created one. Share your passion for dream cars with others in the F³ FahrzeugforumFiegenschuh.

Petrolheads among themselves: in our Drivers Lounge you can philosophize about brands, models, and living automotive dreams — with an inspiring look at our vehicles. If you would like to test your limits with us, then simply use our driving simulator.

Thumbs up and the gas pedal downOur sports cars in the video check

F³ FahrzeugForum Fiegenschuh

GRIP - Das Motormagazin at F³

Ferrari 328 GTS in Maxel-Check

JP Performance - Die etwas andere Probefahrt

Porsche 993 Turbo im Maxel-Check​